Training tomorrow’s technologist

Schools need to train students to be innovative, self-managing and change-ready to contend with the complexities and challenges of the future. Mr B Thomas, Co-Director of Technology Studies, discusses ways in which cross-disciplinary information and communication technology endeavours encourage creativity and enterprise.

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The deficiencies of disciplines

Disciplines make the academic world go around. Faculties teach them and grades are conferred in them. Mr S Woods, Director of English, discusses the concept of transdisciplinarity, encouraging students to look beyond and between the long-standing boundaries between academic disciplines.

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Resilience education

Dean of Students Mrs A Ingram explores developing and promoting resilience in young people. Nurturing and strengthening the individual protective factors of our students and ensuring they experience a range of positive environmental factors gives them a greater chance of bouncing back when they are faced with future challenges.

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Language learning in the global arena

Learning the language and culture of other nations and societies has far-reaching benefits for both the individual and Australian society. Second-language learning opens doors for Grammar girls to engage more effectively in the global arena. Ms S Garson, Director of International Studies, suggests steps our School community can take to realise this learning.

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The changing face of parenting

Parenting ‘experts’ are churning out books to meet the supposed unquenchable thirst for guidance and direction about how to be the best parent and produce the ‘best’ child. School Counsellor Ms K Belbin discusses how the contrasting and competing beliefs and expectations can leave parents feeling overwhelmed.

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The times they are a-changin’

Change is the only constant in life. The year 2013 has already been one of great change, at Girls Grammar and on the national and international stage. How people adapt to change can mean the difference between failing to achieve goals and ambitions or growing and moving forward to learn from change.

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Be prepared

For Grammar girls to perform at their best and to achieve exceptional scholarship, it is important to equip them with the tools to maintain good health and wellbeing. School Nurse Mrs L Lockyer gives advice to enable our girls to learn, work, create and achieve at their optimal levels.

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Finding ways to find their way

Building a career is a personal and quite individual process that rarely begins with the collective end in mind. While identifying the path is the first step, the wholeness of the concept called ‘career’ is only fully appreciated upon reflection. Finding one’s way can be loosely described as an exercise in recognising seemingly random life experiences; seizing new opportunities; navigating unforeseen circumstances; and embracing emergent technologies. An ever evolving reflective compass directs the trekker’s path.

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New Term’s resolutions

New Year is not the only time to make resolutions. In a school term assessment and the feedback it generates create the perfect opportunity to make a new beginning. There is much to be gained through thoughtful reflection and some carefully crafted and achievable New Term’s resolutions.

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