Versions of Home

I would like to share some thoughts on Australia Day with you. I have to be honest, it has always been one of those holidays I have gladly taken but not given a lot of thought to. When I was your age, while I never used to think about Australia Day, I certainly had an opinion on it: I did not like it.

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New Horizons

Mrs Marise McConaghy reviews the processes of each Year level as they move up in the School to fill the vacancy left by the departing seniors, and bids farewell to a colleague.

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Curating creativity to curating content – are we being sculpted?

... Exploring the characteristics and applications of creativity has attracted researchers and business worldwide. The focus on creativity as a path to improvement and its perceived role in superior problem solving, thinking and entrepreneurial success has become an industry in itself. Unfortunately, governments and bureaucracies (including education) see creativity primarily as a process, a tool for a solution, rather than something far more essential, elusive and enmeshed with sophisticated interpersonal communication and enhanced understanding of our world.

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