Endings are new beginnings

Every day throughout the academic year at Brisbane Girls Grammar School, the expertise and dedication of our teachers contribute to a vibrant educational environment that has for more than 142 years fostered exceptional scholarship and inspired a lifelong love of learning in our students. As we celebrate International World Teachers’ Day, Director of Information Services, Mrs Kristine Cooke discusses how ‘the best teachers are also the best learners’.

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Specify or diversify?

As the School this week marks the 100-year anniversary of the Sports Brooch, Director of Sports, Ms Sally Northcroft, discusses the importance of diversification in physical pursuits during formative years and how Girls Grammar’s approach to a broad, liberal education includes eighteen different sports.

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Finding community in diversity

In the second instalment of a two-part series on ‘diversity of thought’, English Teacher, Mr Anthony Cupitt describes the Community of Inquiry. This model of learning, guided by principles of clarity and respect for different opinions, allows for honest dialogue and the emergence of new ideas.

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