Finding ways to find their way

Building a career is a personal and quite individual process that rarely begins with the collective end in mind. While identifying the path is the first step, the wholeness of the concept called ‘career’ is only fully appreciated upon reflection. Finding one’s way can be loosely described as an exercise in recognising seemingly random life experiences; seizing new opportunities; navigating unforeseen circumstances; and embracing emergent technologies. An ever evolving reflective compass directs the trekker’s path.

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New Term’s resolutions

New Year is not the only time to make resolutions. In a school term assessment and the feedback it generates create the perfect opportunity to make a new beginning. There is much to be gained through thoughtful reflection and some carefully crafted and achievable New Term’s resolutions.

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Build a bridge …

Are young people today more selfish than earlier generations? Historically we have made a distinction between self-interest and care for others; but recent studies show that our self-interest may best be served through adopting a more compassionate approach to each other and the world around us.

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