From the Deputy Principal

Every Monday somewhere around Australia, a school principal stands in front of his or her school and tells them: “We have lost a student”. This was one of many statistics Paul Dillon, Education Consultant from DARTA (Drug and Alcohol Research and Training), provided to students during a recent presentation at the School. As a trained teacher Dillon has been working in the area of drug and alcohol education for 25 years and speaks constantly to school groups across Australia and to a number of media outlets.

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From the Acting Dean of Curriculum

Is 450,000 too many? That is the number of Australians who were never born, never laughed or never cried because of World War I. Reflecting on the impact that conflict such as WWI still has on current generations, Ms S Bolton, in Anzac Day address, considers the true meaning of sacrifice as we remember those who have fallen while serving our nation.

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