One Moment Please

The pace of modern life, with its inherent and ubiquitous level of distraction, makes it harder to live in the moment. In today’s world it can be difficult to recognise the ‘moment’, never mind know what to do when it arrives. Mr Stephen Fogarty, Director of Health and Physical Education, explores the concept.

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Not just BBQs, beaches and bikinis: Celebrating the ‘ideas’ of Australia

In his Australia Day Address, Dean of Curriculum & Scholarship Dr Bruce Addison observes that our nationalism has been shrouded under much-loved stereotypes. He considers issues as diverse as immigration, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the National Disability Insurance Scheme in celebration of the ‘ideas’ of Australia.

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Celebrating family at Christmas

Regardless of its origins, 25 December offers an opportunity to reflect on why and how we celebrate, as well as what we celebrate. Mrs Hazel Boltman, Head of Gibson House, encourages parents to spend time at Christmas talking about their family’s history to their children to foster their sense of connectedness.

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What makes schools great?

Truth, love, trust, loyalty and understanding are essential in good relationships and they are fundamental characteristics in schools where great things happen. Mrs Marise McConaghy, Deputy Principal (Staff), ponders the culture of schools and reflects on the culture, heritage and tradition of Girls Grammar.

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Creating future selves

Dr Kay Kimber, Director of the Centre for Professional Practice, challenges us to imagine the nature of the professional lives that our 2013 Senior cohort might lead in 2023. Howard Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future and the concepts of ‘T-shaped professionals’ and ‘portfolio careers’ are explored as ways in which our girls may shape their future selves.

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It’s not just about the test…

The sum of all educational experiences equips students for life beyond school, with academic learning providing the core preparation. Ms Margaret Gunn, Director of Mathematics and Accounting, observes that authentic learning is not just about assessment outcomes and states that intellectual curiosity is the key.

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Motivation: The inner game

Why is it that some students are focused, organised, and fully engaged while others are easily distracted, disorganised and continually procrastinate? Mr Mark Sullivan, Director of Instrumental Music, considers motivation: How it is measured and how students can become more motivated to learn.

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Into the great unknown

For our girls, the great unknown is not only the uncertainty of which path they might take after leaving school, but what the destination will look like when they get there. Dean of Academic Development Mr Trent Driver asks what is required for girls to be life-wide learners for the years ahead, noting that technological skills are only a small part of the equation.

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Blessed Bs

For many, high school is when it suddenly feels like everything counts, so a B minus can seem like a disaster. However, a disappointing mark can be a blessing in disguise. Inspired by the book The Blessing of a B Minus, Ms Ruth Jans, Head of Mackay House, applies this logic to the often difficult experiences of adolescence.

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