Language learning in the global arena

Learning the language and culture of other nations and societies has far-reaching benefits for both the individual and Australian society. Second-language learning opens doors for Grammar girls to engage more effectively in the global arena. Ms S Garson, Director of International Studies, suggests steps our School community can take to realise this learning.

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The changing face of parenting

Parenting ‘experts’ are churning out books to meet the supposed unquenchable thirst for guidance and direction about how to be the best parent and produce the ‘best’ child. School Counsellor Ms K Belbin discusses how the contrasting and competing beliefs and expectations can leave parents feeling overwhelmed.

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Be prepared

For Grammar girls to perform at their best and to achieve exceptional scholarship, it is important to equip them with the tools to maintain good health and wellbeing. School Nurse Mrs L Lockyer gives advice to enable our girls to learn, work, create and achieve at their optimal levels.

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Build a bridge …

Are young people today more selfish than earlier generations? Historically we have made a distinction between self-interest and care for others; but recent studies show that our self-interest may best be served through adopting a more compassionate approach to each other and the world around us.

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Gunfight at ‘The A-E Corral’

Six times every year, as an English teacher — and, therefore, a white-hat-wearing good-guy — I find myself cast as the villain in a Western film. I push through the swinging saloon doors of the classroom, and the happy chatter stalls. Twenty pairs of eyes fix on me in a small-town silence tainted with a palpable dread. The beribboned townsfolk gasp as they realise I have come among them armed not with the usual arsenal of whiteboard pens, PowerPoint presentations, and lame jokes, but with the scourge of English students everywhere: a sheaf of graded papers.

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The student voice

In each year of my experience co-ordinating the Year 12 cohort the incoming Student Council expresses surprise and wonder at the intensity of the role and responsibilities of the Council. This body, and its predecessors, have existed for many productive years and is the 'engine room' of the student body. The Council's role is to provide a voice for the students; act as role models; be the prime conduit between the students, staff and community; and nurture the spirit of Girls Grammar.

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A war bride’s story

Speech delivered at the Australia Day 2013 School Assembly Ms J Colwill, Creative Arts Faculty The tradition of noting the 26th of January began early in the nineteenth century and refers to The First Landing Day or Foundation Day. This was the day in 1788 when Captain Arthur Phillip arrived at Sydney Cove to raise the Union Jack as a symbol of the British occupation of the eastern half of the continent. Prosperous immigrants in Sydney, especially those who had been convicts or the sons of convicts, began marking the colony’s beginnings with an anniversary dinner to celebrate their love of the land that they lived in. People have continued to migrate to Australia ever since. This is the story of one of them. Beryl was born in London on 29th April 1926. World War II started in 1939 when Beryl was 13 years old. As you can imagine, this was a time of great anxiety…

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A Time of Hope

Mrs A Stubbington, Head of Hirschfeld House ‘At least half of what we call hope, I believe, is simply the sense that something can be done.’ Anna Funder (2011) One way or another we are all in transition at the end of another year. For all of us transition means, at the very least, a change of focus from one year to the next, a separation from people to whom we are attached, or perhaps, a reassessment of who we are and where we are. For each girl it means a step up to a new Year level or stepping out into the world, and for Brisbane Girls Grammar this year it means a transition from one Principal to another. In the life of the School this is indeed a major transition. Our appreciation goes to Dr Bell for her inspirational leadership during the past 11 years and our hopes go with her for her future.…

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