Never mind the Gap – Grammar Girls see a clear path with STEM.

Director of Digital Pedagogies, Mr. Shane Skillen, acknowledges that there is a significant disparity between the gender workforce representations of women in STEM careers today in contrast to the foundations set by laudable women mid-last century. However, with the confidence and capability of our young Brisbane Girls Grammar School women and the support of government and industry there has never been a better time to close the gap.

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Mornings Matter

Mrs Alice Dabelstein, Head of Hirschfeld House, provides some morning routine tips to assist girls prepare for their day and improve their productivity.

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The Rhythm of Life

As we reach the end of a busy and exciting 140th year in the life of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Ms Sarah Boyle, Head of O’Connor House, encourages us to slow down, become mindful and appreciate what we have.

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