Young designers: future creators

Let’s start by indulging in some nostalgia. Think back to the time when you were a child immersed in imaginary play; your open mind brilliantly poised and receptive to possibilities and endless adventures: a world more colourful than anything packaged or purchased. Your intrinsic creativity was limited only by your imagination. What you were doing was designing.

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Connect to Thrive

Connectedness refers to the feelings of belonging and social connection; it is one of our fundamental human needs. We are biologically, physically, cognitively, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. We are profoundly social creatures, and underlying most of our materialistic desires are the needs to belong, to be accepted, and to connect with others.

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One Moment Please

The pace of modern life, with its inherent and ubiquitous level of distraction, makes it harder to live in the moment. In today’s world it can be difficult to recognise the ‘moment’, never mind know what to do when it arrives. Mr Stephen Fogarty, Director of Health and Physical Education, explores the concept.

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Making educated choices

Thinking about the future and one’s place in it can be exciting but also a bit daunting. Many students will discover that their career trajectory follows a straight line. They might also find that success in the workforce will not solely be determined by mastery of a set of skills. The need to make a meaningful contribution to the world may also emerge as a core component of future happiness and for this reason, students should consider how their choices at school can facilitate this.

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Building capacity for academic resilience and confidence

There are many factors that influence the academic learning that occurs in our classrooms. As teachers and parents we understand that the underlying motivation of our students and daughters plays an enormous part in how they approach and engage with every challenge put before them. Ms Natalie Smith, Dean of Studies and Planning discusses the latest thinking in this area.

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Contagion of Calm

Keeping calm in stressful situations and having an understanding your emotional response is an essential skill teenagers need to acquire. Head of House Ms Deborah Perz discusses ways to develop resilience in early adolescence.

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